Priority Panels
FTI CNG priority panels and hydrogen priority panels provide CNG and hydrogen flow control for CNG and hydrogen refueling technology applications. They are designed to direct the flow of CNG/H2 from the compressor to on-site storage banks.
FTI manufactures two types of priority panels:
- Standard CNG Priority Panels
- Standard Hydrogen Priority Panels

CNG Priority Panels

FTI’s standard CNG priority panel is designed to provide priority filling features and CNG flow control from the compressor to storage banks.
Standard CNG priority panels also provide shutoff functions for the CNG supply to a single hose CNG dispenser. Three pneumatic shutoff valves are supplied for each line leading to the dispenser. The three valves are held open during CNG filling and closed in emergency shutoff situations.
FTI standard CNG priority panels can be configured to meet your needs and comply with all local regulations:
- Maximum Working Pressure: 5,000 psi
- Delivery Pressure to Storage: Each bank is filled to no less than 3,600 psi
- Priority Valves: Spring loaded valves
- Priority Controls: Mechanical (adjustable)
- Priority Filling Sequence: 3 banks, first priority to high bank with compressor direct fill if vehicles are being fuelled; second priority to medium bank; third priority to low bank.
- Compressor Direct Fill: Compressor by-pass via third bank supply line
- Shutoff Solenoid Valve Control: FTI dispenser control system; installed in dispenser
- Electrical Classification: Class 1, Group D, Division 1
- Enclosure: Flat panel
- Dimensions: 38″ x 8.5″ x 35″
- Mounting: Wall mounted
- Approximate Weight: 75 lbs.
- Operating Temperature: 40°C to +160°C
Hydrogen (H2) Priority Panels
FTI standard hydrogen priority panels have two main functions. The first is to “prioritize” the filling of three hydrogen storage banks when they drop below a set pressure level. Three spring-loaded valves open in series to direct the compressor to fill Bank 3, Bank 2, and finally Bank 1.
The second main function of standard hydrogen priority panels is to “sequence” the flow of gas from the hydrogen storage banks to the hydrogen dispenser. This control provides the ability to select the points at which the sequencing valves are opened between the first and second banks and the second and third banks. The purpose of sequencing is to safely maximize the flow rate through the hydrogen dispenser by switching between the three storage banks as they are depleted.

FTI hydrogen priority panels can be configured to meet your needs and comply with all local regulations:
- Maximum Working Pressure: 6,500 psi
- Delivery Pressure to Storage: Each bank is filled to 6,500 psi
- Priority Valves: Spring loaded valves
- Priority Controls: Mechanical (adjustable)
- Sequencing Valves: Pneumatic Ball Valves (air or nitrogen supplied by others)
- Sequencing Valve Control: FTI Dispenser Control System, installed in dispenser
- Electrical Requirements: 110 VAC, 60 Hz
- Shutoff solenoid valve control: FTI dispenser control system; installed in dispenser
- Electrical Classification: Class 1, Group B, Division 1
- Enclosure: NEMA4, weather resistant, with hinged door
- Dimensions (W*X*D*H): 5” X 31.5” X 8.3”
- Mounting: Wall mounted
- Approximate Weight: 80 lbs.
- Operating Temperature: -40° F To +160° C