Additional Products

CNG Dryer

Natural gas dryers remove water vapor prior to storing or using natural gas for a vehicle fuel. High water content can cause blockage of CNG in fueling systems and can contribute to corrosion in storage vessels and piping.

Hydrogen Chiller

Chillers are used for hydrogen pre-cooling in automotive hydrogen refueling station applications. This allows faster filling for public station and where 700 bar H2 dispensers are being used.

Hydrogen Storage Vessel

Compressed hydrogen is a storage form where hydrogen gas is kept under pressures to increase the storage density. Compressed hydrogen in hydrogen tanks at 350 bar (5,000 psi) and 700 bar (10,000 psi) is used for hydrogen tank systems in vehicles, based on type IV carbon-composite technology.

Spare Parts for different equipment

FTI supplies competitively priced replacement parts.

Pressure Regulating System

The Pressure Reduction System is a device that reduces both velocity and pressure, while conditioning or streamlining flow. We have solutions for design, development, manufacture, installation & commissioning of pre-fabricated skids for – natural gas transmission and distribution applications, which include:

– Natural Gas Pressure Regulating & Metering Stations
– City Gate Stations (CGS)
– District Regulating Stations (DRS) – Aboveground & Underground (Compact Modules)
– Industrial Pressure Regulating Stations (IPRS).
– Metering & Regulating Stations (MRS) for commercial & industrial applications.
– RPD / Turbine / Ultrasonic based Metering Skids 
– CNG High Pressure Skids.